Monday, 10 March 2014

Greek authorities

Today I had to go to Kalamata to fix some papers. These papers seem to be necessary in order to be able to apply for to get the electricity connected to a friends house.
I find it strange that they make it so hard to get all papers together which are needed to apply for electricity. Especially as the property tax is collected together with the electricity bill....
But when I entered in this room at the department of planning and building inspection I was really afraid that it may take another some years until my friend will have electricity....

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Steps to the river

When I was last in Stoupa I passed from those steps and thought this is a funny picture. One should definitely think before making the last step!
At least there is a sign telling you where the steps are leading...

Every winter this little river - called 'To Potamaki' - appears and takes a lot of sand into the sea. In other places of the beach the sea washes this sand again onto the beach. Then in Spring a bulldozer is needed to spread the sand where needed.